Wednesday, December 3, 2008

420W Journal #5

Finishing in this last journal, to look back the experience, I found this process of learning how to write good essays in English is difficult but amazing. Furthermore, I learned a lot, achieved a lot.

Many years ago, during once journey, one of my friends said to me, it isn’t important for where you are, but it is important for whom you are with. Like a trip, the teacher and the classmates let me take it easy in this class. For instance, when I focus on something, I get use to frown, which makes other people feel confused. But in this class, everyone can accept my strange appearance. Thanks for our teacher’s tolerance, she always make some jokes to let me to relax myself like the teachers who taught me in my home country. Althrough I am in the abroad now, when I access the classroom, I don’t feel intensity. I can feel a kind of familiar ambience like I am in China. I am not adept to express my feel by language, but what my feeling is clear, which is satisfied and free.

In the 420W class, I learn how to write the different types of the essays. At the begging, it is very difficult for me to adept this new language skill, because of the different habits, different thinking patterns and different cultural background. But through the study, at least I know the basic structures and the regulations of them. Besides, from the daily practices, English became more interesting and more charming. What is the most valuable aspect is a kind of diverse study method for me. It is quite different in writing class between in China and there. In China, every writing class, the teacher gives a topic, and we start to write in by ourselves. In the next class, the teacher marks our practices and reads the good articles for us. In writing class, I didn’t use to have discusses with my classmates and write more, but here, we cooperated by each others. It is very interesting.

The textbook is useful. The structure of it is very clear and it is very easy to follow. I found it is a effective handbook to help me to check my essays. From the textbook and the reference material, printed by our teacher, I can easily master some grammars and rules what I need.

So far, the 420W course will be over. Studying in UBC is a fantastic experience. This camper is so beautiful that I always forget the other things that I concerned. Studying in 420 writing class is my best memory of studying in ELI. One day, when I have to say goodbye to this camper, this city and this country, I also will remember the happiness in the beginning of autumn of 2008, it is the gift from the god to me.

Monday, November 24, 2008

420W Journal #4

Let’s think about a question: if you have a plan to watch a hot show movie, which way you’d like to choose? Go to theatre or just take a DVD and have fun at home? It seems to me that the answers to this question depend on different aspects.

Comparing to the DVD, watching the film in the theatre his many granges, If you choose a high performance film with a lot of scenes of explosion or armed fighting, that is a good idea to buy a ticket. In the theatre, you can enjoy the big screen and surrounded sound system which can bring you into the real scene of the films. No pictures or background sound system given by the DVD can match this.

Another aspect related to the question is the expense. The price of the ticket and the DVD are varied in different countries and areas. If the price of the DVD is much lower than the ticket, more customers will ignore the film in theatre and choose the DVD. On the contrary, the theatre will attract more attentions.

The last but not least aspect we cannot miss is that we convince of watching a film. By watching the DVD, we can fast remind the part of story which we love best and fast forward the part we dislike. Another advantage we need to take into consideration is that there will not be enough time for us to finish the film in one time, in that case, we could pause the running film and continue it at any time we like by watching the DVD.

As the reasons, I’ve mentioned above. I insist that we cannot pimply give the answer whether we choose the theatre or DVD. We can choose We can choose either of the two ways in different situations.

Monday, November 3, 2008

420W Journal #3

Television And Radio

Lsat week I had written the contrast paragragh of the common points of newspaper and television. After more deep thinking, I found all the media are same, not only traditional medias such as newspaper, television and radio, but also the new medias like internet.

There are quite a lot differences between television and radio. However I think there are some things similarices.

First, both of them are kinds of media, the purpose is similar: to transfer information. Through radio and television, the companies give mass the information; On the other hand, the audiences receive the news.

Second, the purpose for producing them is completely the same: to attract advertising agencies attention and catch money from them. Most of people don’t learn about it. But in the truth, it is much not enough for running a channle if just depeneds on the fee that coming from audiences. The true thing is the audience rating can bring much advertising fee. So a good channel must have good quality programmes. They attract the audiences and then achieve a good rating. The firms find the opportunities which let their goods be known by bigger market and pay money for time to sale their productes through the television and radio.

Third, because of the same cultural background, most audiences have the similar interests in one area. So although the express ways are different between them, the contents are similar. Such as when earthquake happened, the contents of the radio and television were same. And because of technology and media globalizition. The big events also could touch the whole world eyes such as 911.

Monday, October 20, 2008

420W Journal #2

Fortunately, this weekend, I escaped from my homestay life, a noisy, mussy and restricted life. First,because of the three dogs that the family feeded. They gnar every day when there are some foot passengers passing near the house or their masters leaving of room. Last week, the hosts of the homestay went back to their hometown, the littile dogs kept gnaring till to the midnight. By the other hand, these dogs are not accustomed keep the good habits of hygiene. So you shoud becarefull about where you step on. therefore, this family has a bad neighborship.

Except for the troubles of dogs, the biggest problem is the complex relationship between we and the host. Not only the different backgrounds of culture, but also the personalities caused many clashes. First of all, They think homestay is a family business, so what they think the most important staff is reduce the cost. So we can't wash underweares in the bathroomfor for breakage of the floor , we can't take bathe exceed 10 munites for gas, and we also can't use internet whenever as we like forpower. We can't touch fridge for much food, and also we can't eat food with them even the bread were separated. Second, they really like complaim, they were harping on the small things while we were taking food. The most serious problem is their suspicion. Sometimes they paid attention of your behavior and words such as listeningthe voice from our room, standing out of the bathroom for waiting to check if we wash the socks when we were taking shower. So many following thing made us crazy.

Althrough many homestaies are kind, some families still exist many problems. As a kind of ways to deal with the problems for international students living, homestay has became more and more popular in west countries. So we need some criterion not just for the students but also for the homestaies. And the students need a institutionto complain to solve the troubles. After all, balance comes from two sides.

Friday, October 10, 2008

420W Journal #1

Basicly, writing is divided to two aspects: informal essaies and research papers.Informal essaies are the bridges of the soul and life; Research papers are the channels for expressing the thinkings of special people to achieve the effective communication effection. For me, both of them are interesting and importante.

Informal essaies include many types, such as poem, essay, story. All of them are the writters' feelings. These kinds of feelings are different with research writings. Most of them are just free thinkings, which are happy, sad, angry or others reflection of the soul. those words are the mirrors of the life. Recently, I has been readingsome English novels. Form inside of the sentences, you could reed the love, the puzzle, the disappointment and the hope.

By contrast of the informal essay, research paper is very rigorous. It requestes logic thought, right words, correct syntax and the other rules. When you prepared for working at a research paper, you should read a lot and find your own opinions. And then, choose the style to write. During writting time, even each paragraph you should pay much attention aboutthe main ideas, the support reasons, the facts you used, the ways of clarifying. The reason for it is this kind of writtingis symbols for the evidences of science. it has some responsibilities for the hunman and society.

I think I could do very good jobs in writting in Chinese. But it is not easy for me to use English to do it. So learning English writting is very necessary to me. Through this language, I could learn more about skiils to control the English, at the same time, i found a different style to think. It quitely interesting for me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Welcome to my English blog. This blog is a space for communicating with my friends who are interested in Academic writing. I'd like to share my life with you. Welcome to here.